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Wet Lab

Facility Rental

State-of-the-art private facility

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View the Cadaveric Lab

About Midwest Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (MFORE)


Midwest Foundation for Orthopaeidc Research and Education was established by the physicians of OrthoIllinois in 2009 for two purposes.  The first purpose was to provide professional development and continuing medical education credit opportunities through symposiums and lectures for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists, and emergency response professionals from throughout the midwest United States.  


The second objective of the Foundation is to provide funding for physician-initiated musculoskeletal and outcomes-related research that may advance the quality of healthcare provided for patients of these physicians and for the public at large. 

In additional to educational conferences, and research funding, Midwest Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education operates a fully equipped private wet lab center in Rockford, Illinois to provide access to surgical training, research, and product development for medical professionals and entrepreneurial-minded companies and individuals.


Rental for intellectual property development

The Cadaveric Lab Center is an ideal location for companies, innovators, or any one in healthcare to work in a well-equipped, state-of-the-art facility with private conditions providing a secure setting for intellectual property development or the honing of surgical skills.


Located under 70 miles from Chicago O'Hare International Airport, the Cadaveric Lab Center offers easy, world-wide accessibility and is available with flexible day, evening, and weekend hours.


Rental for surgical procedure and skill development/education

Surgeons and other health care providers seeking advanced education in the area of the human body can utilize the center to develop skills using operating room medical-grade equipment and human cadavers.  In addition to facility rental, offering from 1 - 5 workstations, one-on-one training with a sub-specialty orthopedic or podiatric surgeons, physicians, nurses, or scrub techs is also available.

Procurement of specimens, room set-up, disposal, and clean up provided by dedicated lab technicians.

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Real time surgical collaboration world-wide

State-of-the-art technology allows activities performed in the Cadaveric Lab Center to be shared remotely with students, peers, and colleagues anywhere in the world, allowing everyone to be part of the conversation.  With robust real-time fully operational arthroscopic video towers, two-way audio and video conferencing collaboration outside the lab anywhere is a reality.  Remote viewers maintain control from an application on a tablet to pan, tilt, or zoom cameras, even simultaneously display two views at once of procedures being performed in the lab.

The Cadaveric Lab Center offers

- 5 fully operational arthroscopic towers with video   management systems


- Modern operating room suction devices


- Arthroscopic instrumentation sets

- Open instrumentation sets


- Battery power units

- Cadaveric mounting tables and commercial           tables for surgery simulation

- In ceiling water and power


- Fully operational operating table for whole cadaver surgery

- Separate wash room/kitchen area for sanitary 



- Dedicated freezer space for on-site temporary cadaver and specimen storage

- Procurement of specimens, room set-up, disposal, and clean up by dedicated lab technicians.


©Midwest Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education. Proudly created with

For information or to

schedule the lab

Call 815.381.7332​

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